Monday, July 30, 2012

El Otro Lado

There once was a time, not to long ago when in many industry’s including my own we got to travel to far off places that other wise we would of never known existed.

Depending on what you do for a living this usually stopped around the time on the years 2008 – 2009. It has been about 6 to 7 years for me that I have been to a foreign place that really blew me away. Well this month of July 2012 God blessed me using UK Traveller Conde Nast as a vessel.
I techniqually had literally set one foot in this country of Panama many years ago I thought, while working in Costa Rica. Let me explain. Many moon cycles ago I did a job in a town at the very south tip Pacific Ocean side of Costa Rica called Pavones. As for the avid surfers out there of course you know this black sand, one of the longest left breaks in the world. For the ones that don’t it borders Panama by meters and is a collage of rainforest terrain mixed with black sand beaches and every insect, wild life you can probably think of in Central America. On that trip I actually put my right leg on the side of Panama, or at least that is what the local told me. In reality it would of taken a quick bus ride to do so. That is the closest I had ever come to Panama until this July. Pavones Costa Rica is one of the only spots in all the contents I had been to that the local misquote loved my blood besides Zanzibar, Africa. The bites lasted almost a month and still itched once back home in NYC for the full 30 days.
We arrived in Panama City airport, drove from the Pacific Ocean side to the Caribbean side.

And took a boat to the most wonderful place called El Otro Lado. A place that a woman from Madrid bought and kept its beauty, history and encourages its life. Definitely one of a kind.  On top of having the honor to see their heritage and culture at night after shooting all day, I must say besides the misquotes attacking me all the time it was really a life memory.

I guess what I am trying to make a point of no matter how many bites you get, and how long they stay a special place God created on this earth will never go away.

I would like to thank, Noe Dewitt, Finoa Lintott, Craig Honeycutt, Kevin Keith and our awesome model Guisela Rhein. Thank you for the gorgeous pictures and the life long memory.